Plastic Processing

  • Blending

    Blending refers to mixing together. It is a physical method to make several materials evenly mixed to improve the performance of the materials. In industry, using a rubber mixer to evenly mix different rubbers or rubber and plastic into rubber is a typical example. It is also possible to add certain special performance ingredients to…

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  • Vacuum Forming (Blister)

    A plastic processing technology. The main principle is to heat and soften a flat hard plastic sheet, then vacuum it to the surface of the mold, and then cool it into shape. Vacuum Forming, often called blister, is a plastic processing technology. The main principle is to heat a flat hard plastic sheet to soften…

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  • Precision Injection Molding

    Precision injection molding, strictly speaking, refers to the dimensional accuracy of plastic products produced by injection molding machine equipment , which can reach less than 0.01mm. It is usually an injection molding production method with dimensions between 0.01 and 0.001mm. Precision injection molding is mainly used in industrial and civilian products such as aerospace, automotive…

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  • Overmolding (Post Forming or Secondary Forming)

    Under certain conditions, the profile obtained by one-time molding of polymer materials (such as plates, sheets, rods, tubes) is re-molded and processed to obtain the final shape of the product. Introduction Secondary molding is one of the methods of plastic molding processing. A method that uses plastic profiles or parisons as raw materials to turn…

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  • Foam Molding

    In the foam molding process or foamed polymer materials, a honeycomb or porous structure is formed through the addition and reaction of physical foaming agents or chemical foaming agents. The basic steps of foam molding are the formation of bubble cores, the growth or expansion of bubble cores, and the stabilization of bubble cores. Under…

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  • Plastic Molding

    Plastic molding is the process of molding plastics in various forms (powder, pellets, solutions and dispersions) into products or blanks of the desired shape. There are as many as thirty types of molding methods. Introduction The choice of plastic molding mainly depends on the type of plastic (thermoplastic or thermoset), the starting shape, and the…

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